Course Information
Welcome to the annual Facility Training course. Here you will be able to complete your refresher training online instead of in person at the office.
This online training will satisfy part of the requirements for the mandatory annual trainings for the facility. The other part of the required training, transfer training, will need to be done in person at the facility at the designated times.
Please make sure you view all the training videos and complete the quiz at the end. If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at 314-863-9912.
To complete this training and receive credit, you will need to:
- Watch the Universal Precautions Video
- Watch the Hospice Care Video
- Watch the Residents’ Rights in Long-Term Care Video
- Watch the Elder Abuse and Neglect Video
- Complete the training quiz
Verification Quiz
The following questions will be asked at the conclusion of this training session. You must answer all questions to get credit for the online portion of the course. If the quiz is not completed, you must attend the refresher training in person.
Universal Precautions
1. According to the video, what are the MOST frequently missed areas when hand washing?
2. Name 3 times you would use routine hand washing at work.
3. How long should a routine hand washing take?
Hospice Care
4. What is Hospice Care?
5. What is the goal of hospice?
Residents’ Rights in Long-Term Care
6. List 5 rights residents have in long term facilities.
Elder Abuse and Neglect
7. What is 1 reason elder abuse can be complex?
8. Name 3 examples of physical abuse given in the video.
9. Give 1 general sign that elder abuse is occurring.